Let’s Make This Official, Shall We?



Hey man!  Dad here.  Just wanted to drop you a note to update you on what’s been going on.  Here it goes:

Since I last wrote to you lots of things have happened!

On December 10, 2015 we all (and by “we all” I mean you, Mom, Big Daddy, Granny, Aunt Melanie, and Me!) went to a courtroom with our adoption attorney and officially finalized your adoption.  Now that’s a pretty fancy phrase for an 11-month old but here’s what it means: You are now legally our son.  You’re ours forever and we’re yours forever.  That’s never going to change.  There’s never going to be a doubt about where you belong.  There will never be a moment that your Mom and I won’t have your back, not to mention all the rest of your family too!  You’re stuck with us…and, if I may say so myself, that’s a pretty good deal!  🙂

Later that same month you, Mom, and I drove to New Mexico to be with Abuelo, Grandma, Uncle Tim, Aunt Michelle, and Aunt Carolyn.  We had a blast!  We got to spend a whole day (like literally 24 hours) together in the car.  Then when we arrived in New Mexico there was snow on the ground!  We got to have fires in the fireplace, games were played, and Christmas was celebrated.  If there’s anything we want you to be clear about son it’s this: Christmas is about Jesus coming to be one of us.  Santa is cute and all.  Presents are nice.  And family is great!  But all of those things pale in comparison to the reality of Jesus coming for our sake.  That’s what Christmas is all about!  But I will admit that when it started snowing, that was pretty cool too!  🙂

And while we were driving to New Mexico you turned 11-months old.  That’s just crazy!  It feels like just yesterday you were born.  And maybe a few hours ago you learned to hold your head up, roll over, and crawl.  I can’t believe how big you’re getting!  Slow down little man!

I want to end with this: The picture I posted with this letter captures you beautifully.  It’s from your 11-month photoshoot.  First, look at your hands.  They’re moving a mile a minute, so fast that they’re blurry!  That’s you.  You are a mover and a shaker.  You simply don’t stop.  It’s really a blast!  And now look at your face.  See how serious you look?  That’s how you roll.  You put all you have into everything you do.  You never go halfway.  It’s all or nothing with you son!  And, lastly, look at the book you’re hitting.  That’s your first Bible.  You love that book.  You and I read it everyday (minus a few here and there).  You love hearing stories about Moses, Daniel, Jesus, and Paul.  I can already see the joy you get in learning about God’s love.  Don’t lose that son.  Don’t ever lose that.

Welp, that’s it for now.  I’ll write you again soon!




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